Friday, 15 April 2016

Thing 12 and 13: Creating and sharing information

A necessary part of the PhD / EngD process (after generating tonnes of data, results and findings) is to be able to communicate all of that across in short time frames, to those who do not have the in-depth knowledge that you have acquired of the past 6, 12, 18 or etc., months. Generating media, such as presentations and vlogs, along the process can give those outside of your tight knit research community an opportunity to look inside and understand what it is your doing at their own pace and without them needing to contact you directly. It can even be seen as an on-going virtual CV for you as a researcher.

A piece of media I would like to make will be short 5 minute (at most) interviews with subject matter experts on graphene, composites or nanocomposites. With areas of expertise ranging from the research, practise and business ends of graphene nanocomposite materials. As all the members in the fields above will have different motivations or interests in the material, and actually revealing that for others in the same field can allow for tailored developments and focus for the future of graphene as a material.


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